I’ve learnt a great deal from my friends who plays sport betting or football bet as it is football that is common in this part of the world. First, is their optimistic qualities; Second, is their patience, a great virtue; Follow is their foresight. Then their love for what they do. Their love for their enemies and lastly is their ability of not giving up.

OPTIMISTIC: These guys always have the believe that they would win. They believe that every game (or ticket) played would be won even if it was a long list of matches. Why would they play it if they don’t want to win in the first place? You don’t go around throwing your money away if there isn’t anything for you in return. So what is here for you? Believe today is going to be a very good one, believe you’re going to win today, believe you’ll land that dream job. Believe you’ll win that contract, have the believe that your clients would pay you. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ATTEMPT, MAKE A MOVE, AND DON’T SIT IDLY. LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE AND THRIVE.

PATIENCE: Once I heard a guy with a ticket of already booked game telling his friends how the game he played run through three (3) weeks, i.e. the last match would be played after 3 weeks. Those who play this thing have the ability to be calm and relaxed till the time elapse. A friend of mine uploaded a whatsapp status the same day I started writing this, she wrote, “patience is also a form of action”. Do I still need to write another lesson for you? Okay, here is it- PATIENCE IS A GOOD VIRTUE.

FORESIGHT: Do you have any of these people around you? Have you ever seen them play this thing? They should be working in stock market companies, they understands odd rise and falling, they have eagle’s vision when it comes to predicting. They predict what would happen to any team based on their form and their opponents form, they dig deep in order to be right. Though they are not always accurate but are at least 70% accurate. The point here is this, while you only have today/present, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a glimpse at your future, you can actually shape it now. Haley James Scott in OTH 5x02 said “The rest of your life is a long time and whether you like it or not, it’s being shaped right now, with the dreams you chase, the choices you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time, AND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE STARTS NOW.

PASSION: Loving our jobs or whatever we do is the beginning of success. What is the essence of venturing into it if you won’t love it? My interaction with these people (my case study) shows how passionate they are to their cause. One said “I always wake up in the middle of the night to book my daily game”. Another said he consults different websites before deciding to play a match. I have one that would trouble me each time for my phone cause of this thing. One even promised to buy data for me if I could borrow him my phone. There’s this young guy (probably in his late 20s) who is a bricklayer but would always walk around with bet slips. Now, IF THAT IS NOT PASSION, THEN I DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS.

TOTAL LOVE: The Bible teaches about love, and perfect love could be found among these people. More than 80% of youths are football lovers, and each has a club he supports. Considering this fact, a person who bets on football would definitely not limit his betting to the club he supports, he would bet on other clubs that he doesn’t like. These people pray for their opposition to win or score more goals so that they would also win. Just this weekend I witnessed a Chelsea fan praying, begging and supporting Manchester United to please win by two goals against Arsenal. IF THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD PRAY FOR AND LOVE LIKE THESE PEOPLE, THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE.

GIVE UP: Not giving up means doing it over and over till you win. And what I’ve learned from these people is that not winning a ticket today doesn’t stop them from trying another tomorrow. Football is a game of 90 minutes, and anything could happen until the final whistle. 60 seconds is much to concede 2 goals, and it takes a second to see a goal at the back of the net. Therefore when a match is not producing their desired results, they believe it is not over until the final whistle. They do not concede to defeat until the defeat is finally in front of them. Ask those that supported Manchester United against Arsenal on Sunday. So why would you give up when you can still retry it? Why not persevere and give it another shot? REMEMBER, QUITERS DON’T WIN. AND WINNERS DON’T QUIT.




  1. Wonderful, as always.

    I play this game sometimes but never have I ever thought of it this way.

    More ink to your pen.


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