There is this particular saying that you don’t know the value of what you have until you lose it. So I was wondering, is it that we don’t know the value or we do but simply take it for granted or is it both? Anyone with gold might know its worth and yet decides to play with it belongs to the second category, such person took it for granted. Now let’s take a deeper look at it. How do you know the value of something when it has already been lost? Definitely someone must have told you its worth when you had it or after you lost it or you simply felt its impact because you no longer have it. So if someone has already told its worth when you had it can we say you didn’t know the value? Hell no, that means you belongs to the second category. You knew it ’cause someone told you yet took it for granted or was it taken from you? It makes no difference even if it was. Now, to the first category. Those that lost something due to ignorance of it. It make little or no difference, the point i...