I’ve learnt a great deal from my friends who plays sport betting or football bet as it is football that is common in this part of the world. First, is their optimistic qualities; Second, is their patience , a great virtue; Follow is their foresight . Then their love for what they do. Their love for their enemies and lastly is their ability of not giving up . OPTIMISTIC : These guys always have the believe that they would win. They believe that every game (or ticket) played would be won even if it was a long list of matches. Why would they play it if they don’t want to win in the first place? You don’t go around throwing your money away if there isn’t anything for you in return. So what is here for you? Believe today is going to be a very good one, believe you’re going to win today, believe you’ll land that dream job. Believe you’ll win that contract, have the believe that your clients would pay you. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ATTEMPT, MAKE A MOVE, AND DON’T SIT IDLY. LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ...